10 ways to create a communications style that works for you.

Communicating your ideas is a critical part of your job. In today’s workplace the focus is on collaboration, which can make some people, particularly introverts, particularly uncomfortable. Throw into the mix gender and authority issues and you might find that you’re simply not being heard.

While it sounds easy in theory to simply say it louder and prouder, the key to really effective communications is a combination of aspects.

These are some ideas to get you thinking about your personal communication style and how it might make it work better for you.

1. Find out who’s the most influential person in the room. It may not be the highest ranking person.

2. Understand what they are looking for and adapt your style to meet their needs.

3. Think about your own strength and leverage it. Do you work at big picture level or do you love to dive into the detail. If you know where you can add value then focus on communicating well at this level.

4. Plan your message in advance and say it with meaning and impact. Don’t leave these things to chance as you may not get a second chance.

5. Less is more. Don’t feel you need to talk just because there is a gap.

6. Use the room. It might be as simple as finding a place in the room that gives you authority or standing to make a point. By using the room properly you will support your communication style.

7. Wind back bad habits. We all have things that undermine our ability to get our point across. For example, if you know that you waffle, focus on fixing it.

8. Ask someone close to you to give you honest feedback about what might not work in the office.

9. Eradicate gender differences in communications and work toward neutral. There is nothing wrong with masculine and feminine talk but if it gets in the way, it can affect your communications.

10. The power of body language – get an expert to help you understand the subtleties of this powerful communications methods. You’ll be surprised how you may be sabotaging yourself.

Learn about the theory of Leadership Conversations and take this with you to every interaction.

(Say no more, literally.)

Clarity’s specialist communications training

If you’re looking to take your communication style to the next level, you should consider Clarity’s specialist communications coaching. This bespoke program will make you a stronger communicator in the workplace, allowing you to tap into career opportunities, influence decisions and build stronger working relationships.

The program is based on a coaching philosophy. Sessions are client-directed making learning personal, achievable and meaningful. They can be practical or self-reflecting, whatever will ensure you come away with the tools to make a change.

The program includes:

Six 90-minute sessions over 4 months
A professional communications style assessment and report
Access to research and resources
Mentoring throughout the program


Kellie Hasluck

Kellie has provided Western Australian businesses with communications advice for nearly 20 years as a co-founder of Clarity. She provides coaching and mentoring services to executives in the resources, engineering and financial services and not for profit sectors. Kellie is an experienced public relations practitioner undertaking strategic planning, community consultation, media relations, and internal communications for large national and international organisations.